Thursday, July 3, 2014

I'm moving!

When I started writing this blog A Voyageurs Life I knew it would find a different home, much like the character André in my to-be-published-in-September book, Good for Nothing.” (He left his comfortable home to spend the winter in the wilds of Lake Superior country.)

I’ve movedand will continue posting at my new website (giving you the website is like pointing out the “lob tree” that marks which portage trail voyageurs should take). 

Please visit the new site, subscribe to the blog, “like” me on Facebook...

For astute readers who found this site, thank you.


Buy a copy of Some Like It Hot: The Sauna, Its Lore and Stories from the publisher, North Star Press of St. Cloud, Minnesota, Inc., or from local booksellers. 

For a signed copy, send $20 (which includes tax and shipping costs) to: Nikki Rajala, P.O. Box 372, Rockville, Minnesota 56369.

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